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Biker Bespoke: The NE apartment complex in
Tokyo is a small-scale residential project that
serves motorcycle enthusiasts who desire luxury
housing. The pristine structure was conceived in
a radial ‘c’ shape to allow residents to manoeuvre
through the centre of the development with their
heavy motorbikes, and provides easy-access
storage that connects directly to apartments.
Counterintuitive to the standard biker stereotype,
the central courtyard within the ‘c’ is pristine,
white, light and airy. This space suggests that
the desire to live with like-minded people may
become a new domestic archetype in Asia. Plans
for further structures in South Korea are
being considered.
Old-Age Alumni: A growing number of US
baby boomers are spending their retirement
reliving the heady days of their youth in on-
campus senior housing facilities at their former
universities. Senior housing projects have sprung
up at more than 60 universities across the US,
including Stanford, Dartmouth and the University
of Michigan. The Village at Penn State University
in Pennsylvania offers residents full access to the
university’s classes, concerts and sports matches.
The Village
© The Village
Modern Family
Case Studies/Drivers/Influencers
"There is a growing
demand for people
looking for specialist
Ivan Rijavec, CitiNiche