Page 30 - Redefine

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Feel-Good Factor: Personal
growth is fuelling the modern
spiritual movement. Brands
can facilitate this by integrating
affirming messages into their
strategies (Lululemon) or teaming
up with thought leaders (Bliss &
Danielle Bernstein, Whole Foods
& Kris Carr). How will your brand
deliver an aspirational vision?
Evoking Passion: Cultivating high-
commitment interactions and
group-based activities could elevate
your brand or offer to near-religious
status among fans and followers.
Provide the tools for consumers
to track, monitor and share their
progress and discoveries.
Lifestyle Pursuit: Think about
extending your product or service
into a holistic lifestyle offer to
ensure longevity and relevance.
Reebok’s collaboration with
CrossFit is pervasive, slick and
complementary to its fans’ lifestyle
Consumer Lifestyle