Page 140 - Redefine

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Entertain: Interruptive advertising
becomes less and less effective in
a multi-platform, always-on world
where consumers can tune out
easily. To compete, brands will need
to market to consumers through
multimedia experiences as compelling
as the entertainment content they
access on their devices.
Create Compelling Content:
Brands will need to think like media,
software and publishing companies,
producing content that reflects
their core brand values while still
remaining entertaining in its own
right. How can you turn your brand
values into compelling content?
Drive Cultural Vision: Savvy brands
will take the branded content
experience further, and become
patrons of the arts or cultural
benefactors in their own right. How
can your brand use its influence
and reach to support artistic,
educational or scientific vision?
Consumer Engagement
Diversify Through Content:
Forward-thinking publishers are
redefining what it means to be a
media entity in the multi-platform era,
diversifying into TV, retail, lifestyle and
digital. What can your brand learn
from the success of companies like
Vice, Monocle and Wired in terms of
translating your brand authority into
new content areas?