Page 128 - Redefine

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Section Editor: Fiona Harkin, SVP - Content
Analysts: Christian Ward, Editor - Media & Marketing
& Lisa Payne, Assistant Editor - Media & Marketing
It was Microsoft's Bill Gates who said back in 1996
that content is king. As interruptive advertising
loses its relevance, the growing importance of
compelling branded content and earned media
coverage means his words are still ringing true.
In a multi-platform, always-on world, what
form should branded content now take? And
how can brands ensure that their message is
supported by a strong call-to-action that drives a
clear return on investment (ROI)?
Across advertising and marketing, roles
are being redefined in the drive to engage
through content and multi-media experiences.
Newsjacking – the current buzz trend in
advertising – is encouraging brands and agencies
to work in a more agile manner, more like a
newsroom, to reach consumers in real time.
Meanwhile, brands such as Pepsi and Vans are
evolving into cultural curators and patrons of the
arts in their own right.
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